All data is good data when you think like this
“All data is good data"
This is something I heard Mark Cuban say on a podcast and it made me stop and think about how we deal with data and how we let it emotionally manipulate us.
It seems the current pattern when it comes to data is best seen with how the mass media (especially during this particular period! You know what I’m talking about) utilize or rather weaponize it. Depending on the outlet and it’s agenda, it will pluck data from selective sources and focus in on it to create narratives that suit them, creating emotional reactions in the public that polarize and create supporters on one side and antagonists on the other.
This selective highlighting and biased story shaping use of data does far more harm then good when it comes to us trying to better our situation and find solutions to the obstacles we face.
Thankfully, there is an alternate way to think and approach data, and that is to be a truth seeker not a story supporter.
When we have a truth seekers mind we have to have a scientific mind. We approach life with an objective mindset not an emotional one. We are looking for the truth and that means we are looking for what is right. We are not trying to be right. There’s a big difference there. One that the mass media would do well to understand.
The reason the phrase, “all data is good data" starts to ring true is because data, when it’s good, provides us with neutral information. It’s only us interpreting the data that deem that data to be either good or bad information. Data just is. It has no emotional effect, we give it that with our interpretations of it.
So what’s good data?
As long as the data is clean and credible, meaning it’s accurately, fairly and consistently measured and has been verified by an unbiased party, it’s good data. It does the job of moving us forward towards reaching the truth by giving us actionable insight. It doesn’t matter what our judgements are.
Once we have genuine insight, we have truth. Only from here can meaningful solutions and improvements be built, and that is ultimately the point of data. It’s not there just to tell us things are good, bad or otherwise, it’s there to help us move towards better outcomes.
So when data helps us in that way, by being clean and credible, then that my friend is good data.